Source code for

"""Custom expected condition classes"""
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

from webdriver_test_tools.common import utils

# TODO: add inverse conditions for each? at least for consistency

# Expected Condition Classes

[docs]class element_to_exist: """Custom wait condition for WebdriverWait() that checks if an element exists """ def __init__(self, locator): self.locator = locator def __call__(self, driver): return _element_exists(driver, self.locator)
[docs]class element_to_not_exist: """Custom wait condition for WebdriverWait() that checks if an element does not exists """ def __init__(self, locator): self.locator = locator def __call__(self, driver): return not _element_exists(driver, self.locator)
[docs]class element_to_be_enabled: """Custom wait condition for WebdriverWait() that checks if an element is enabled """ def __init__(self, locator): self.locator = locator def __call__(self, driver): return driver.find_element(*self.locator).is_enabled()
[docs]class element_to_be_disabled: """Custom wait condition for WebdriverWait() that checks if an element is disabled """ def __init__(self, locator): self.locator = locator def __call__(self, driver): return not driver.find_element(*self.locator).is_enabled()
[docs]class element_to_be_in_view: """Custom wait condition for WebDriverWait() that uses JavaScript to check if an element is scrolled into view """ def __init__(self, locator, fully_in_view=False): self.locator = locator self.fully_in_view = fully_in_view def __call__(self, driver): element = driver.find_element(*self.locator) return _is_scrolled_into_view(driver, element, self.fully_in_view)
[docs]class base_url_to_be: """An expectation for checking the current url, ignoring query strings (i.e. strips '?' and everything after it and only looks at the base URL) url is the expected URL, which must be an exact match with the current base URL Optionally accepts the parameter ``ignore_trailing_slash`` (default: True), which will strip any trailing '/' from the expected URL and current base URL before comparing returns True if the base URL matches, false otherwise """ def __init__(self, url, ignore_trailing_slash=True): self.url = url self.ignore_trailing_slash = ignore_trailing_slash def __call__(self, driver): base_url = utils.get_base_url(driver.current_url) expected_url = self.url if self.ignore_trailing_slash: expected_url, base_url = self._handle_trailing_slashes(base_url) return expected_url == base_url def _handle_trailing_slashes(self, base_url): """Utility function to strip trailing '/' from the expected URL and current base URL :param base_url: The current URL with any query strings stripped :return: A tuple with (``self.url``, ``base_url``) with any trailing '/' removed """ return (self._strip_trailing_slash(self.url), self._strip_trailing_slash(base_url)) def _strip_trailing_slash(self, url): if url.endswith('/'): url = url[:-1] return url
# Helper Methods def _is_scrolled_into_view(driver, element, fully_in_view=True): """Returns True if the element is scrolled into view, False otherwise Currently, Selenium doesn't offer a means of getting an element's location relative to the viewport, so using JavaScript to determine whether the element is visible within the viewport. :param driver: Selenium WebDriver object :param element: WebElement for the element to check :param fully_in_view: (Default = True) If True, check that the element is fully in view and not cut off. If False, check that it's at least partially in view :return: True if the element is scrolled into view, False otherwise """ # the JavaScript used to check if the element is in view. script_string = ''' return function(el, strict) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var elemTop =; var elemBottom = rect.bottom; if (strict) var isVisible = (elemTop >= 0) && (elemBottom <= window.innerHeight); else isVisible = elemTop < window.innerHeight && elemBottom >= 0; return isVisible; }(arguments[0],arguments[1]) ''' return driver.execute_script(script_string, element, fully_in_view) def _element_exists(driver, element_locator): """Returns True if the element exists, False if not This function is just a wrapper that catches the NoSuchElementException thrown by driver.find_element() and returns a boolean based on whether the exception occurred. Used for test assertions. :param driver: Selenium WebDriver object :param element_locator: Tuple in the format (by,selector) used to locate target :return: True if the element exists, False if not """ exists = True try: driver.find_element(*element_locator) except NoSuchElementException: exists = False return exists