Source code for webdriver_test_tools.webdriver.actions.scroll

"""Functions for scrolling elements into view"""

[docs]def into_view(driver, element, align_to_top=True): """Scroll to an element :param driver: Selenium WebDriver object :param element: WebElement to scroll to :param align_to_top: (Default = True) Aligns element to top of scrollable parent if True, aligns it to the bottom if False """ script_string = 'arguments[0].scrollIntoView({});'.format(str(align_to_top).lower()) driver.execute_script(script_string, element)
[docs]def to_and_click(driver, element, align_to_top=True): """Short hand function for scrolling an element into view and clicking it :param driver: Selenium WebDriver object :param element: WebElement to scroll to and click on :param align_to_top: (Default = True) Aligns element to top of scrollable parent if True, aligns it to the bottom if False """ into_view(driver, element, align_to_top)
[docs]def to_position(driver, x, y): """Scroll window to the specified x,y coordinates Executes JavaScript window.scroll(x,y) :param driver: Selenium WebDriver object :param x: Horizontal scroll coordinate :param y: Vertical scroll coordinate """ script_string = 'window.scroll({},{});'.format(x, y) driver.execute_script(script_string)
[docs]def to_element(driver, element, offset=0, align_to_top=True): """Vertically scroll to an element with an optional offset When align_to_top=True, the scroll y coordinate is calculated: element.offsetTop - offset When align_to_top=False, the scroll y coordinate is calculated: element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight - window.innerHeight + offset :param driver: Selenium WebDriver object :param element: WebElement object for the target element :param offset: (Default = 0) Scroll offset :param align_to_top: (Default = True) Aligns element to top of scrollable parent if True, aligns it to the bottom if False """ scroll_y = int(element.get_property('offsetTop')) if align_to_top: scroll_y -= offset else: script_string = 'return window.innerHeight;' viewport_height = int(driver.execute_script(script_string)) scroll_y += int(element.get_property('offsetHeight')) - viewport_height + offset to_position(driver, 0, scroll_y)
[docs]def into_view_fixed_nav(driver, target_element, fixed_element, additional_offset=0, align_to_top=True): """Scroll an element into view offset by the height of a fixed element so it's not obstructed :param driver: Selenium WebDriver object :param target_element: WebElement object for the target element :param fixed_element: WebElement object for the fixed nav :param additional_offset: (Default = 0) Additional offset from the top :param align_to_top: (Default = True) Aligns element to top of scrollable parent if True, aligns it to the bottom if False """ offset = int(fixed_element.get_property('offsetHeight')) + additional_offset to_element(driver, target_element, offset, align_to_top)