Source code for webdriver_test_tools.testcase.webdriver

"""Base test case classes."""
import unittest
from functools import wraps

from selenium import webdriver

from webdriver_test_tools.config import WebDriverConfig
from webdriver_test_tools.common import utils
from import test

[docs]class WebDriverTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for web driver test cases. This defines the common ``setUp()`` and ``tearDown()`` tasks as well as WebDriver-related assertion methods and ``webdriver_test_tools`` framework-related decorator methods. It does not initialize ``self.driver`` so will not work on its own. Tests should be written with this as their parent class. Browser-specific implementations of test cases will be generated when running tests. **Instances of this class will have the following variables:** :var WebDriverTestCase.driver: Selenium WebDriver object :var WebDriverTestCase.WebDriverConfig: :class:`WebDriverConfig <webdriver_test_tools.config.webdriver.WebDriverConfig>` class object **Tests that implement this class override the following variables:** :var WebDriverTestCase.SITE_URL: Go to this URL during :meth:`setUp()`. Tests that implement WebDriverTestCase must set this accordingly. :var WebDriverTestCase.SKIP_BROWSERS: (Optional) List of browser names to skip test generation for. This can be useful if a test case class requires functionality that is not implemented in a certain driver, or if its tests are meant for specific browsers. Valid browser names are declared in the :class:`Browsers <webdriver_test_tools.testcase.browsers.Browsers>` class. :var WebDriverTestCase.SKIP_MOBILE: (Optional) By default, tests will be generated for all enabled browsers, including mobile. If ``SKIP_MOBILE`` is set to ``True``, don't generate tests for mobile browsers. This can be helpful if the layout changes between desktop and mobile viewports would alter the test procedures. :var WebDriverTestCase.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT: (Optional) Default number of seconds for :ref:`WebDriverTestCase assertion methods <assertion-methods>` to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails. Defaults to the value of ``DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT`` set in the test project's :class:`WebDriverConfig <webdriver_test_tools.config.webdriver.WebDriverConfig>` class **Browser-specific implementations of this class need to override the following:** :function WebDriverTestCase.driver_init: Function that returns a Selenium WebDriver object for the browser :var WebDriverTestCase.DRIVER_NAME: Name of the browser. This is mostly used in the docstrings of generated test classes to indicate what browser the tests are being run in :var WebDriverTestCase.SHORT_NAME: Short name for the driver used for command line args, skipping, etc. Should be all lowercase with no spaces :var WebDriverTestCase.CAPABILITIES: The ``DesiredCapabilities`` dictionary for the browser. Used for initializing BrowserStack remote driver **The following attributes are used for running tests on BrowserStack:** :var WebDriverTestCase.ENABLE_BS: (Default = False) If set to True, :meth:`setUp()` will initialize a Remote webdriver instead of a local one and run tests on BrowserStack :var WebDriverTestCase.COMMAND_EXECUTOR: Command executor URL. Test generator needs to set this with the configured access key and username **The following attributes are used for running tests in a headless browser:** :var WebDriverTestCase.ENABLE_HEADLESS: (Default = False) If set to True, browser implementations with headless browser support will configure their drivers to run tests in a headless browser """ # Instance variables driver = None WebDriverConfig = WebDriverConfig # Test case attributes SITE_URL = None SKIP_BROWSERS = [] SKIP_MOBILE = None DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT = None # Browser implementation attributes DRIVER_NAME = None SHORT_NAME = None # BrowserStack attributes ENABLE_BS = False COMMAND_EXECUTOR = None CAPABILITIES = None # Headless browser attributes ENABLE_HEADLESS = False
[docs] def bs_driver_init(self): """Initialize driver for BrowserStack :return: ``webdriver.Remote`` object with the ``command_executor`` and ``desired_capabilities`` parameters set to ``self.COMMAND_EXECUTOR`` and ``self.CAPABILITIES`` respectively. """ self.CAPABILITIES['name'] = self._testMethodName return webdriver.Remote(command_executor=self.COMMAND_EXECUTOR, desired_capabilities=self.CAPABILITIES)
[docs] def driver_init(self): """Returns an initialized WebDriver object. Browser test case classes must implement this. """ pass
[docs] def setUp(self): """Initialize driver and call ``self.driver.get(self.SITE_URL)`` If ``self.ENABLE_BS`` is ``False``, ``self.driver`` gets the returned results of :meth:`self.driver_init() <WebDriverTestCase.driver_init>`. If ``self.ENABLE_BS`` is ``True``, ``self.driver`` gets the returned results of :meth:`self.bs_driver_init() <WebDriverTestCase.bs_driver_init>` Also checks if ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT`` is set and defaults to ``self.WebDriverConfig.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT`` if it's unspecified """ self.driver = self.bs_driver_init() if self.ENABLE_BS else self.driver_init() if not self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT or not isinstance(self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT, int): self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT = self.WebDriverConfig.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT self.driver.get(self.SITE_URL)
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Calls ``self.driver.quit()``""" self.driver.quit()
# Assertion methods def _locator_string(self, locator): """Shorthand for formating locator tuple as a string for failure output :param locator: WebDriver locator tuple in the format ``(By.<attr>, <locator string>)`` """ return '("{0}", "{1}")'.format(*locator)
[docs] def assertExists(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element doesn't exist :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.existence_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, test_exists=True, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'No elements located using ' + self._locator_string(element_locator) msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertNotExists(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element exists :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.existence_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, test_exists=False, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Elements located using ' + self._locator_string(element_locator) msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertInView(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element isn't scrolled into view :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.in_view_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Element is not scrolled into view' msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertNotInView(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element is scrolled into view :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if test.in_view_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Element is scrolled into view' msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertVisible(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element isn't visible :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.visibility_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Element is not visible' msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertInvisible(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element is visible :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.visibility_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, test_visible=False, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Element is visible' msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertEnabled(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element is disabled :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.enabled_state_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, test_enabled=True, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Element is disabled' msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertDisabled(self, element_locator, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if element is enabled :param element_locator: webdriver locator tuple in the format ``(by.<attr>, <locator string>)`` :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.enabled_state_change_test(self.driver, element_locator, test_enabled=False, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Element is enabled' msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertUrlChange(self, expected_url, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if the URL doesn't match the expected URL. Assertion uses webdriver_test_tools.test.url_change_test() using the specified ``wait_timeout`` before determining that expected_url does not match the current URL. :param expected_url: The expected URL :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.url_change_test(self.driver, expected_url, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Current URL = {}, expected URL = {}'.format( self.driver.current_url, expected_url ) msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
[docs] def assertBaseUrlChange(self, expected_url, ignore_trailing_slash=True, msg=None, wait_timeout=None): """Fail if the URL (ignoring query strings) doesn't match the expected URL. Assertion uses webdriver_test_tools.test.url_change_test() using the specified ``wait_timeout`` before determining that expected_url does not match the current URL. :param expected_url: The expected URL :param ignore_trailing_slash: (Default = True) If True, ignore trailing '/' in the expected url and current base URL when comparing :param msg: (Optional) if specified, used as the error message on failure :param wait_timeout: (Default = ``self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT``) Number of seconds to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ wait_timeout = wait_timeout or self.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT if not test.base_url_change_test(self.driver, expected_url, ignore_trailing_slash=ignore_trailing_slash, wait_timeout=wait_timeout): failure_message = 'Current base URL = {}, expected base URL = {}'.format( utils.get_base_url(self.driver.current_url), expected_url ) msg = self._formatMessage(msg, failure_message) raise self.failureException(msg)
# Skipping Browsers
[docs] @staticmethod def skipBrowsers(*browsers): """Conditionally skip a test method for certain browsers Usage Example: .. code:: python @WebDriverTestCase.skipBrowsers(Browsers.SAFARI, Browsers.IE) test_method(self): ... """ def decorator(test_method): @wraps(test_method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): test_case_obj = args[0] if test_case_obj.SHORT_NAME in browsers: test_case_obj.skipTest('Skipping {}'.format(test_case_obj.DRIVER_NAME)) test_method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] @staticmethod def skipMobile(): """Conditionally skip a test method for mobile browsers Usage Example: .. code:: python @WebDriverTestCase.skipMobile() test_method(self): ... """ def decorator(test_method): @wraps(test_method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): test_case_obj = args[0] if issubclass(type(test_case_obj), WebDriverMobileTestCase): test_case_obj.skipTest('Skipping for mobile') test_method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] @staticmethod def mobileOnly(): """Conditionally skip a test method for non-mobile browsers Usage Example: .. code:: python @WebDriverTestCase.mobileOnly() test_method(self): ... """ def decorator(test_method): @wraps(test_method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): test_case_obj = args[0] if not issubclass(type(test_case_obj), WebDriverMobileTestCase): test_case_obj.skipTest('Skipping for non-mobile') test_method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
# Screenshots
[docs] def takeScreenshot(self, print_filename=False): """Save a screenshot using :meth:`self.WebDriverConfig.new_screenshot_file <webdriver_test_tools.config.webdriver.WebDriverConfig.new_screenshot_file>` :param print_filename: (Default = False) If True, print the path to the new file to standard out :return: Path to the new screenshot file """ screenshot_file = self.WebDriverConfig.new_screenshot_file(self.SHORT_NAME, self._testMethodName) self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file(screenshot_file) if print_filename: print('Screenshot taken: ' + screenshot_file) return screenshot_file
[docs] @staticmethod def screenshotOnFail(): """Decorator for test methods that takes a screenshot if an assertion fails. See :meth:`WebDriverConfig.new_screenshot_file <webdriver_test_tools.config.webdriver.WebDriverConfig.new_screenshot_file>` for details on filename and output directory Usage Example: .. code:: python @WebDriverTestCase.screenshotOnFail() test_method(self): ... self.assertTrue(condition) ... .. note:: Currently, this method does not take a screenshot for assertions that fail within a subTest. Since subTests are designed to continue test execution if an assertion fails, they don't raise exceptions outside of their context. """ def decorator(test_method): @wraps(test_method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: test_method(self, *args, **kwargs) except self.failureException as e: screenshot_file = self.takeScreenshot() # TODO: update error message to include screenshot path raise return wrapper return decorator
# Misc Utility Methods
[docs] def is_mobile(self): """Check whether the test case is running in a mobile browser :return: True if running in a mobile browser (or emulated one), False if running in a desktop """ # WebDriverMobileTestCase overrides this method and returns True return False
[docs]class WebDriverMobileTestCase(WebDriverTestCase): """Base class for mobile web driver test cases If a test subclasses ``WebDriverMobileTestCase`` instead of ``WebDriverTestCase``, tests will only be generated for mobile browsers """ SKIP_MOBILE = False
[docs] def is_mobile(self): return True