Source code for webdriver_test_tools.project.new_file

"""Functions for creating a new test/page module."""

from webdriver_test_tools.common.files import *
from webdriver_test_tools.project import templates

# New file types
TEST_TYPE = 'test'
PAGE_TYPE = 'page'

TEMPLATE_PATH = templates.templates.get_path()

#: Maps file type to corresponding template file/directory relative to the
#: template path
    TEST_TYPE: '',
    PAGE_TYPE: 'page_object/',

# Prototype names

#: Maps prototype names to the base name of the corresponding template files
#: and a list of file extensions for each file.
#: Empty string maps to generic BasePage template
    '': {
        'name': 'base_page',
        'types': ['py']
        'name' : 'form_object',
        'types': ['py', 'yml']
        'name' : 'modal_object',
        'types': ['py', 'yml']
        'name' : 'nav_object',
        'types': ['py', 'yml']
        'name' : 'collapsible_nav_object',
        'types': ['py', 'yml']
        'name' : 'web_page_object',
        'types': ['py', 'yml']

#: List of valid prototype names
    prototype for prototype in PAGE_OBJECT_TEMPLATE_MAP
    if prototype != ''

#: List of prototype names that support YAML parsing
    prototype for prototype, options in PAGE_OBJECT_TEMPLATE_MAP.items()
    if 'yml' in options.get('types', [])

#: Maps file type to corresponding subdirectory in a test package
    TEST_TYPE: 'tests',
    PAGE_TYPE: 'pages',

[docs]def new_file(test_package_path, test_package, file_type, module_name, class_name, description=None, force=False, **kwargs): """Create a new project file This method assumes parameters have been validated. :func:`main() <webdriver_test_tools.project.new_file.main()>` handles input validation before calling this function :param test_package_path: The root directory of the test package :param test_package: The python package name of the test package :param file_type: The type of file to create. Valid file types are stored as global variables with the _TYPE suffix :param module_name: Python module name to use when creating the new file (without the .py extension, as this name is used when creating any additional non-Python files) :param class_name: Name to use for the initial test class :param description: (Optional) Description to use in the docstring of the initial class :param force: (Default: False) If True, force overwrite if a file with the same name already exists This method accepts additional keyword arguments for type-specific arguments. Page kwargs: * ``prototype``: Key in :data:`PAGE_OBJECT_TEMPLATE_MAP` specifying the prototype template to use. Defaults to empty string (generic page object) :return: List of paths for each new file created """ context = { 'test_package': test_package, 'module_name': module_name, 'class_name': class_name, 'description': description, } if file_type == PAGE_TYPE: return _new_page(test_package_path, context, prototype=kwargs.get('prototype', ''), use_yaml=kwargs.get('use_yaml', True), overwrite=force) else: return _new_test(test_package_path, context, overwrite=force)
def _new_page(test_package_path, context, prototype='', use_yaml=True, overwrite=False): """Create a new page object file :param test_package_path: The root directory of the test package :param context: Jinja context to use when creating the file. Assumes ``context`` has the 'module_name' key set :param prototype: (Default: '') Key in :data:`PAGE_OBJECT_TEMPLATE_MAP` specifying the prototype template to use. Defaults to empty string (generic page object) :param use_yaml: (Default: True) If True, generate .py and .yml files for supported prototypes. If False, just generate .py files. Templates will render different attributes based on this setting :param overwrite: (Default: False) If True, force overwrite if attempting to create a file that already exists :return: List of paths for each new file created """ template_path = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, TEMPLATE_MAP[PAGE_TYPE]) target_path = os.path.join(test_package_path, DIRECTORY_MAP[PAGE_TYPE]) # Get info on template(s) for prototype template_map = PAGE_OBJECT_TEMPLATE_MAP[prototype] # Add 'use_yaml' to context context['use_yaml'] = use_yaml # If not using YAML, exclude .yml templates file_types = [ ext for ext in template_map['types'] if use_yaml or ext != 'yml' ] # Keep track of files created new_files = [] for ext in file_types: template_filename = '{}.{}'.format(template_map['name'], ext) target_filename = '{}.{}'.format(context['module_name'], ext) new_files.append(create_file_from_template( template_path, target_path, template_filename, context, target_filename=target_filename, overwrite=overwrite )) return new_files def _new_test(test_package_path, context, overwrite=False): """Create a new test file :param test_package_path: The root directory of the test package :param context: Jinja context to use when creating the file. Assumes ``context`` has the 'module_name' key set :param overwrite: (Default: False) If True, force overwrite if attempting to create a file that already exists :return: List of paths for each new file created """ target_path = os.path.join(test_package_path, DIRECTORY_MAP[TEST_TYPE]) template_filename = TEMPLATE_MAP[TEST_TYPE] target_filename = context['module_name'] + '.py' new_file = create_file_from_template( TEMPLATE_PATH, target_path, template_filename, context, target_filename=target_filename, overwrite=overwrite ) # Return a list to keep value consistent with _new_page() return [new_file]