import os
import sys
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter, SUPPRESS
from webdriver_test_tools import config
from webdriver_test_tools.common import cmd
from webdriver_test_tools.project import new_file
[docs]def main(test_package_path, test_package, args):
"""Command line dialogs for creating a new file
This method checks ``args`` for optional arguments for each of its prompts.
If these are set to something other than ``None``, their corresponding
input prompts will be skipped unless validation for that parameter fails.
``type``, ``module_name``, and ``class_name`` are the 3 values required to
create a new file. If these are all set to something other than ``None``,
this method will default to an empty ``description`` unless one is
``force`` is the only optional parameter that does not have a prompt. It
will default to ``False`` unless the ``--force`` flag is used when calling
this method.
The ``new page`` command has additional optional arguments ``--prototype``
and ``--yaml``/``--no-yaml`` (depending on the configuration of
``ProjectFilesConfig.ENABLE_PAGE_OBJECT_YAML``). Prompt for ``--prototype``
will not be shown if ``type``, ``module_name``, and ``class_name`` are all
set to something other than ``None``. Instead, this method will use the
standard page object template unless one is specified with ``prototype``.
Currently there is no prompt for the ``--yaml``/``--no-yaml`` arguments, so
the value of ``ProjectFilesConfig.ENABLE_PAGE_OBJECT_YAML`` will always be
used unless ``--yaml``/``--no-yaml`` is specified.
:param test_package_path: The root directory of the test package
:param test_package: The python package name of the test package
:param args: Parsed arguments for the ``new`` command
new_file_start = False
# Get common items from args
# (Using getattr() with default values because some attributes might not be
# present if args.type wasn't specified)
file_type = getattr(args, 'type', None)
module_name = getattr(args, 'module_name', None)
class_name = getattr(args, 'class_name', None)
description = getattr(args, 'description', None)
force = getattr(args, 'force', False)
# module and class names are the minimum required args, will ignore
# optional prompts if this is True
minimum_required_args = module_name and class_name
# if module_name and class_name are set, use defaults for optional arguments
if minimum_required_args and description is None:
description = ''
_validate_file_type = cmd.validate_choice(
[new_file.TEST_TYPE, new_file.PAGE_TYPE],
shorthand_choices={'t': new_file.TEST_TYPE, 'p': new_file.PAGE_TYPE}
validated_file_type = cmd.prompt(
'Create a new test case or page object?',
validated_module_name = cmd.prompt(
'Module file name',
'Enter a file name for the new {} module'.format(validated_file_type),
class_type = 'test case' if validated_file_type == 'test' else 'page object'
validated_class_name = cmd.prompt(
'{} class name'.format(class_type.capitalize()),
'Enter a name for the initial {} class'.format(class_type),
validated_description = cmd.prompt(
'(Optional) Enter description of the new {} class'.format(class_type),
# Arguments for page-specific prompts
kwargs = {}
if validated_file_type == new_file.PAGE_TYPE:
prototype = getattr(args, 'prototype', None)
use_yaml = getattr(args, 'use_yaml', config.ProjectFilesConfig.ENABLE_PAGE_OBJECT_YAML)
if prototype is None and minimum_required_args:
prototype = ''
_prototype_choices = [name for name in new_file.PROTOTYPE_NAMES]
# Allow for numeric shorthand answers (starting at 1)
_prototype_shorthands = {
str(ind + 1): choice for ind, choice in enumerate(_prototype_choices)
# Allow empty string since this is an optional parameter
_validate_prototype = cmd.validate_choice(
_prototype_choices, shorthand_choices=_prototype_shorthands
kwargs['prototype'] = cmd.prompt(
'Page object prototype',
'(Optional) Select a page object prototype to subclass:',
*[cmd.INDENT + '[{}] {}'.format(i, name) for i, name in _prototype_shorthands.items()],
# TODO: Add prompt if class supports it (will need to change arg default to None and pass config_module as param)
kwargs['use_yaml'] = use_yaml
# Start file creation
new_file_start = True
new_file_paths = new_file.new_file(
test_package_path, test_package,
file_type=validated_file_type, module_name=validated_module_name,
class_name=validated_class_name, description=validated_description,
force=force, **kwargs
# Output new file path on success
# TODO: Custom success messages based on type? E.g. instructions on filling out YAML file?
success_msg = '\nFile' + ('s' if len(new_file_paths) > 1 else '') + ' created.'
for new_file_path in new_file_paths:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if new_file_start:
msg = 'File creation was cancelled mid-operation.'
# Subparser
[docs]def add_new_subparser(subparsers, config_module, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter):
"""Add subparser for the ``<test_package> new`` command
:param subparsers: ``argparse._SubParsersAction`` object for the test
package ArgumentParser (i.e. the object returned by the
``add_subparsers()`` method)
:param config_module: The module object for ``<test_project>.config``
:param formatter_class: (Default: ``argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter``) Class
to use for the ``formatter_class`` parameter
:return: ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` object for the newly added ``new``
if config_module is None:
config_module = config
# Get ProjectFilesConfig
project_files_config = config_module.ProjectFilesConfig if 'ProjectFilesConfig' in dir(config_module) else config.ProjectFilesConfig
# TODO: add info on no args to description or help
# Adds custom --help argument
generic_parent_parser = cmd.argparse.get_generic_parent_parser()
new_description = 'Create a new test module or page object'
new_help = new_description
new_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'new', description=new_description, help=new_help,
add_help=False, epilog=cmd.argparse.ARGPARSE_EPILOG
# New <type> subparsers
new_type_desc = 'Run \'{} <type> --help\' for details'.format(new_parser.prog)
new_subparsers = new_parser.add_subparsers(
title='File Types', description=new_type_desc, dest='type', metavar='<type>'
# New test parser
_add_new_test_subparser(formatter_class, generic_parent_parser, new_subparsers, project_files_config)
# New page object parser
_add_new_page_subparser(formatter_class, generic_parent_parser, new_subparsers, project_files_config)
return new_parser
def _add_new_test_subparser(formatter_class, generic_parent_parser, new_subparsers, project_files_config):
"""Add subparser for ``new test`` command
:param formatter_class: Class to use for the ``formatter_class`` parameter
:param generic_parent_parser: Generic parent parser to use for the
``parents`` parameter
:param new_subparsers: The subparser for the ``new`` command
:param project_files_config: The ``ProjectFilesConfig`` class
new_test_parent_parser = get_new_parent_parser(
parents=[generic_parent_parser], class_name_metavar='<TestCaseClass>',
class_name_help='Name to use for the initial test case class'
new_test_description = 'Create a new test module'
new_test_help = new_test_description
'test', description=new_test_description, help=new_test_help,
add_help=False, epilog=cmd.argparse.ARGPARSE_EPILOG
def _add_new_page_subparser(formatter_class, generic_parent_parser, new_subparsers, project_files_config):
"""Add subparser for ``new page`` command
:param formatter_class: Class to use for the ``formatter_class`` parameter
:param generic_parent_parser: Generic parent parser to use for the
``parents`` parameter
:param new_subparsers: The subparser for the ``new`` command
:param project_files_config: The ``ProjectFilesConfig`` class
new_page_parent_parser = get_new_parent_parser(
parents=[generic_parent_parser], class_name_metavar='<PageObjectClass>',
class_name_help='Name to use for the initial page object class'
new_page_description = 'Create a new page object module'
new_page_help = new_page_description
new_page_parser = new_subparsers.add_parser(
'page', description=new_page_description, help=new_page_help,
add_help=False, epilog=cmd.argparse.ARGPARSE_EPILOG
prototype_group = new_page_parser.add_argument_group('Prototype Options')
prototype_options_help = _format_prototype_choices()
prototype_help = 'Page object prototype to subclass.' + prototype_options_help
prototype_group.add_argument('-p', '--prototype', metavar='<prototype_choice>', default=None,
choices=new_file.PROTOTYPE_NAMES, help=prototype_help)
yaml_default = project_files_config.ENABLE_PAGE_OBJECT_YAML
# Add options to negate YAML default config
if yaml_default:
no_yaml_help = 'Only generate .py files if using a --prototype that supports YAML parsing' + _format_yaml_prototype_choices()
yaml_help = SUPPRESS
yaml_help = 'Generate .py and .yml files if using a --prototype that supports YAML parsing' + _format_yaml_prototype_choices()
no_yaml_help = SUPPRESS
yaml_group = prototype_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
yaml_group.add_argument('--yaml', '-y', action='store_true', default=yaml_default,
dest='use_yaml', help=yaml_help)
yaml_group.add_argument('--no-yaml', '-Y', action='store_false', default=yaml_default,
dest='use_yaml', help=no_yaml_help)
def _format_prototype_choices():
"""Format the help string for page object prototype choices
The returned string will have the following format:
.. code:: python
'\\nOptions: {prototype,"prototype with spaces"}'
:return: Formatted help string for prototype options
# Add quotes around names with spaces
formatted_prototype_names = [
'"{}"'.format(name) if ' ' in name else name
for name in new_file.PROTOTYPE_NAMES
return '\nOptions: {{{}}}'.format(','.join(formatted_prototype_names))
def _format_yaml_prototype_choices():
"""Format the help string for prototype choices with YAML support
The returned string will have the following format:
.. code:: python
'\\nSupported Prototypes: {prototype,"prototype with spaces"}'
:return: Formatted help string for prototype options
# Add quotes around names with spaces
formatted_prototype_names = [
'"{}"'.format(name) if ' ' in name else name
for name in new_file.YAML_PROTOTYPE_NAMES
return '\nSupported Prototypes: {{{}}}'.format(','.join(formatted_prototype_names))
[docs]def get_new_parent_parser(parents=[], class_name_metavar='<ClassName>',
class_name_help='Name to use for the initial class'):
"""Returns an :class:`ArgumentParser
<webdriver_test_tools.cmd.argparse.ArgumentParser>` with ``<module_name>``,
``<class_name>``, and ``--description`` arguments
:param parents: (Optional) List of ``ArgumentParser`` objects to use as
parents for the test argument parser
:param class_name_metavar: (Optional) Metavar to display for the class_name
:param class_name_help: (Optional) Help text to use for the class_name
:return: :class:`ArgumentParser
<webdriver_test_tools.cmd.argparse.ArgumentParser>` with
``<module_name>``, ``<class_name>``, and ``--description`` arguments
new_parent_parser = cmd.argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, parents=parents)
positional_args_group = new_parent_parser.add_argument_group('Positional Arguments')
# Positional arguments
module_name_help = 'Filename to use for the new python module'
positional_args_group.add_argument('module_name', metavar='<module_name>', nargs='?', default=None,
positional_args_group.add_argument('class_name', metavar=class_name_metavar, nargs='?', default=None,
# Optional arguments
optional_args_group = new_parent_parser.add_argument_group('Optional Arguments')
description_help='Description for the initial class'
optional_args_group.add_argument('-d', '--description', metavar='<description>', default=None,
force_help='Force overwrite if a file with the same name already exists'
optional_args_group.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False,
return new_parent_parser
# Argument parsing functions
# TODO: DOC exceptions that may be raised
[docs]def parse_new_args(package_name, tests_module, args):
"""Parse arguments and run the 'new' command
:param package_name: Name of the test package
:param tests_module: The module object for ``<test_project>.tests``. Used
to determine the filepath of the package
:param args: The namespace returned by parser.parse_args()
:return: Exit code, 0 if files were created without exceptions, 1 otherwise.
.. note::
Technically, this will always return 0, as all fail states cause an
exception to be raised. This is just to keep it consistent with
other project cmd parse arg functions.
exit_code = 0
# Get package path based on tests_module path
test_package_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(tests_module.__file__))
main(test_package_path, package_name, args)
return exit_code
# User Input Prompts
[docs]def validate_description(description):
"""Replaces double quotes with single quotes in class description
If the description is ``None`` or an empty string, this function considers
it valid and returns ``None``
:param description: The desired description string
:return: Validated description string with double quotes replaced with
single quotes or ``None`` if the description is empty
if description is None or description == '':
return None
# Replace double quotes with single quotes to avoid breaking the docstring
validated_description = description.replace('"', "'")
if validated_description != description:
cmd.print_info('Replaced double quotes with single quotes in class description')
return validated_description