Source code for webdriver_test_tools.project.cmd.list

import textwrap
import unittest
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter

from webdriver_test_tools.common import cmd
from webdriver_test_tools.project.test_loader import load_project_tests
from webdriver_test_tools.project.cmd.common import parse_test_args

# Tree characters (for verbose output)
_TREE_CHILD = '├── '

[docs]def add_list_subparser(subparsers, parents=[], formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter): """Add subparser for the ``<test_package> list`` command :param subparsers: ``argparse._SubParsersAction`` object for the test package ArgumentParser (i.e. the object returned by the ``add_subparsers()`` method) :param parents: (Default: ``[]``) Parent parsers for the list subparser :param formatter_class: (Default: ``argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter``) Class to use for the ``formatter_class`` parameter :return: ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` object for the newly added ``list`` subparser """ list_description = 'Print a list of available tests and exit' list_help = list_description list_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'list', description=list_description, help=list_help, parents=parents, # TODO: always use test_parent_parser? formatter_class=formatter_class, add_help=False, epilog=cmd.argparse.ARGPARSE_EPILOG ) # Output Arguments group = list_parser.add_argument_group('Output Options') verbose_help = 'Show class and method docstrings' group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help=verbose_help) return list_parser
# Argument parsing functions
[docs]def parse_list_args(tests_module, args): """Parse arguments and run the 'list' command :param tests_module: The module object for ``<test_project>.tests`` :param args: The namespace returned by parser.parse_args() :return: Exit code, 0 if no exceptions were encountered, 1 otherwise .. note:: Technically, this will always return 0, as all fail states cause an exception to be raised. This is just to keep it consistent with other project cmd parse arg functions. """ exit_code = 0 kwargs = parse_test_args(args) kwargs['verbose'] = args.verbose list_tests(tests_module, **kwargs) return exit_code
[docs]def list_tests(tests_module, test_module_names=None, skip_module_names=None, test_class_map=None, skip_class_map=None, verbose=False): """Print a list of available tests :param tests_module: The module object for ``<test_project>.tests`` :param test_module_names: (Optional) Parsed arg for ``--module`` command line argument :param skip_module_names: (Optional) Parsed arg for ``--skip-module`` command line argument :param test_class_map: (Optional) Result of passing parsed arg for ``--test`` command line argument to :func:`parse_test_names()` :param skip_class_map: (Optional) Result of passing parsed arg for ``--skip`` command line argument to :func:`parse_test_names()` :param verbose: (Default = False) If True, print class and test method docstrings """ tests = load_project_tests(tests_module, test_module_names, skip_module_names, test_class_map, skip_class_map) module_map = _module_map(tests, tests_module) for module, test_list in module_map.items(): _print_module(module, test_list, verbose=verbose)
def _module_map(tests, tests_module): """Returns a dictionary mapping test module names to a list of the test case classes in the module :param tests: List of test case classes :param tests_module: The module object for ``<test_project>.tests`` :return: Dictionary mapping test module names to a list of the test case classes in the module """ module_prefix = tests_module.__name__ + '.' module_map = {} for test in tests: module = test.__module__.replace(module_prefix, '') if module not in module_map: module_map[module] = [] module_map[module].append(test) return module_map def _print_module(module, test_list, verbose=False): """Print a test module :param module: The name of the test module to print :param test_list: The list of test classes in the module to print :param verbose: (Default = False) If True, print class and test method docstrings """ print(cmd.COLORS['prompt'](module) + ':') for i, test_class in enumerate(test_list): _print_test_case(test_class, verbose=verbose, last_child=i==len(test_list)-1) def _print_test_case(test_class, verbose=False, last_child=False): """Print a test case class :param test_class: The test case class to print :param verbose: (Default = False) If True, print class and test method docstrings :param last_child: (Default = False) If True and ``verbose`` is True, use different tree characters when printing this test """ if verbose: if last_child: indent = _TREE_LAST_CHILD doc_indent = _TREE_LAST_CHILD_NESTED_PREFIX method_indent_prefix = _TREE_LAST_CHILD_NESTED_PREFIX else: indent = _TREE_CHILD doc_indent = _TREE_NESTED_PREFIX method_indent_prefix = _TREE_NESTED_PREFIX else: indent = cmd.INDENT method_indent_prefix = indent print(textwrap.indent(cmd.COLORS['title'](test_class.__name__) + ':', indent)) if verbose and hasattr(test_class, '__doc__'): cmd.print_shortened(test_class.__doc__, indent=doc_indent, fmt='info') methods = unittest.loader.getTestCaseNames(test_class, 'test') for i,method in enumerate(methods): _print_method(method, test_class=test_class, verbose=verbose, indent_prefix=method_indent_prefix, last_child=i==len(methods)-1) def _print_method(method, test_class, verbose=False, indent_prefix=cmd.INDENT, last_child=False): """Print a test method :param method: The name of the method to print :param test_class: The test case class containing the method to print :param verbose: (Default = False) If True, print test method docstrings :param indent_prefix: (Default = :const:`cmd.INDENT <webdriver_test_tools.common.cmd.cmd.INDENT>`) The string to use as a prefix for indentation when printing the class (mostly used for tree output when ``verbose`` is True) :param last_child: (Default = False) If True and ``verbose`` is True, use different tree characters when printing this test """ if verbose: if last_child: indent = indent_prefix + _TREE_LAST_CHILD doc_indent = indent_prefix + _TREE_LAST_CHILD_NESTED_PREFIX else: indent = indent_prefix + _TREE_CHILD doc_indent = indent_prefix + _TREE_NESTED_PREFIX else: indent = indent_prefix * 2 print(textwrap.indent(method, indent)) if verbose: try: func = getattr(test_class, method) if hasattr(func, '__doc__'): cmd.print_shortened(func.__doc__, indent=doc_indent, fmt='info') except AttributeError as e: pass