Source code for webdriver_test_tools.project.cmd.common

import sys
import textwrap

from webdriver_test_tools.common import cmd

# Parent Parsers

[docs]def get_test_parent_parser(parents=[]): """Returns an :class:`ArgumentParser <webdriver_test_tools.cmd.argparse.ArgumentParser>` with ``--test``, ``--skip``, ``--module``, and ``--skip-module`` arguments :param parents: (Optional) List of ``ArgumentParser`` objects to use as parents for the test argument parser :return: :class:`ArgumentParser <webdriver_test_tools.cmd.argparse.ArgumentParser>` with ``--test``, ``--skip``, ``--module``, and ``--skip-module`` arguments """ # Adds --module, --test, and --skip arguments test_parent_parser = cmd.argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, parents=parents) # Arguments for specifying what test to run group = test_parent_parser.add_argument_group('Test Arguments') module_help = 'Run only tests in specific test modules' group.add_argument('-m', '--module', nargs='+', metavar='<module>', help=module_help) skip_module_help = 'Skip all tests in specific test modules' group.add_argument('-S', '--skip-module', nargs='+', metavar='<module>', help=skip_module_help) test_help = textwrap.dedent('''\ Run specific test case classes or test methods. Arguments should be in the format <TestCase>[.<method>] (Supports wildcards in class and method names) ''') group.add_argument('-t', '--test', nargs='+', metavar='<test>', help=test_help) skip_help = textwrap.dedent('''\ Skip specific test case classes or test methods. Arguments should be in the format <TestCase>[.<method>] (Supports wildcards in class and method names) ''') group.add_argument('-s', '--skip', nargs='+', metavar='<test>', help=skip_help) return test_parent_parser
# Test Parsing Functions
[docs]def parse_test_names(test_name_args): """Returns a dictionary mapping test case names to a list of test functions :param test_name_args: The parsed value of the ``--test`` or ``--skip`` arguments :return: None if ``test_name_args`` is None, otherwise return a dictionary mapping test case names to a list of test functions to run. If list is empty, no specific function was given for that class """ if test_name_args is None: return None class_map = {} for test_name in test_name_args: # Split <module>.[<function>] test_name_parts = test_name.split('.') class_map.setdefault(test_name_parts[0], []) # If a function was specified, append it to the list of functions if len(test_name_parts) > 1: class_map[test_name_parts[0]].append(test_name_parts[1]) return class_map
[docs]def parse_test_args(args): """Parse optional arguments for specifying/skipping tests and modules :param args: The namespace returned by parser.parse_args() :return: A dictionary mapping 'test_class_map', 'skip_class_map', 'test_module_names', and 'skip_module_names' to the arguments passed via the command line """ # get --test, --skip, --module, and --skip-module args return { 'test_class_map': parse_test_names(args.test), 'skip_class_map': parse_test_names(args.skip), 'test_module_names': args.module, 'skip_module_names': args.skip_module, }