Source code for webdriver_test_tools.pageobject.modal

import inspect
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

from webdriver_test_tools.pageobject import utils, BasePage, YAMLParsingPageObject
from webdriver_test_tools.webdriver import actions

[docs]class ModalObject(YAMLParsingPageObject): """Page object prototype for modals Subclasses should set the following attributes: :var ModalObject.YAML_FILE: Path to a YAML file representing the modal object. This file is parsed during initialization using :meth:`parse_yaml` and is used to determine :attr:`MODAL_LOCATOR` and :attr:`CLOSE_LOCATOR` :var ModalObject.MODAL_BODY_CLASS: (Optional) Page object for the contents of the modal body. If set to a subclass of :class:`BasePage <webdriver_test_tools.pageobject.base.BasePage>`, :meth:`get_modal_body()` will return an instance of this object. The following attributes are determined based on the contents of :attr:`YAML_FILE` (or should be set in subclasses if :attr:`YAML_FILE` is ``None``): :var ModalObject.MODAL_LOCATOR: Locator for the modal element. Override in subclasses :var ModalObject.CLOSE_LOCATOR: Locator for the close button. Override in subclasses """ _YAML_ROOT_KEY = 'modal' # Locators MODAL_LOCATOR = None CLOSE_LOCATOR = None # Optional page object for the modal body content MODAL_BODY_CLASS = None
[docs] def parse_yaml(self, file_path): """Parse a YAML representation of the modal object and set attributes accordingly See :ref:`YAML ModalObjects doc <yaml-modal-objects>` for details on syntax. :param file_path: Full path to the YAML file """ parsed_yaml = super().parse_yaml(file_path) # Initialize locators try: self.MODAL_LOCATOR = utils.yaml.parse_locator_dict(parsed_yaml['modal_locator']) self.CLOSE_LOCATOR = utils.yaml.parse_locator_dict(parsed_yaml['close_locator']) except KeyError as e: raise utils.yaml.YAMLKeyError( 'Missing required {} key in modal YAML'.format(e) )
[docs] def is_displayed(self): """Check if the modal is displayed This method checks if the element located by :attr:`MODAL_LOCATOR` exists and is visible. This should be sufficient for many common implementations of modals, but can be overridden if this isn't a reliable detection method for an implementation :return: True if the modal is displayed, False otherwise """ try: displayed = self.find_element(self.MODAL_LOCATOR).is_displayed() except NoSuchElementException: displayed = False return displayed
[docs] def click_close_button(self): """Click the modal close button""" actions.scroll.to_and_click(self.driver, self.find_element(self.CLOSE_LOCATOR))
[docs] def get_modal_body(self): """If :attr:`self.MODAL_BODY_CLASS <MODAL_BODY_CLASS>` is set to a subclass of :class:`BasePage <webdriver_test_tools.pageobject.base.BasePage>`, returns an instance of that object. Otherwise, returns None """ return self.MODAL_BODY_CLASS(self.driver) if inspect.isclass(self.MODAL_BODY_CLASS) and issubclass(self.MODAL_BODY_CLASS, BasePage) else None