Source code for webdriver_test_tools.pageobject.form
import inspect
import warnings
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from import By
from import Select
from webdriver_test_tools.pageobject import utils, BasePage, YAMLParsingPageObject
from webdriver_test_tools.webdriver import actions
# Input Page Objects
[docs]class InputObject(BasePage):
"""Page object prototype for input elements"""
[docs] class Type:
"""Set of supported input types"""
# Standard <input> tag types
CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'
EMAIL = 'email'
FILE = 'file'
NUMBER = 'number'
PASSWORD = 'password'
RADIO = 'radio'
SEARCH = 'search'
TEXT = 'text'
URL = 'url'
# TODO: Uncomment as support is added/verified
# BUTTON = 'button'
# COLOR = 'color'
# DATE = 'date'
# DATETIME_LOCAL = 'datetime-local'
# HIDDEN = 'hidden'
# IMAGE = 'image'
# MONTH = 'month'
# RANGE = 'range'
# RESET = 'reset'
# SUBMIT = 'submit'
# TEL = 'tel'
# TIME = 'time'
# WEEK = 'week'
# Non-<input> tag inputs
SELECT = 'select'
TEXTAREA = 'textarea'
#: Input types that support the 'options' key
#: Input types that support the 'multiple' key
def __init__(self, driver, input_dict):
"""Initialize ``InputObject`` using parsed YAML or input dictionary
See :ref:`YAML inputs documentation <yaml-inputs>` for details on
``input_dict`` syntax.
:param driver: Selenium WebDriver object
:param input_dict: Input dictionary using syntax specified in
:ref:`YAML inputs documentation <yaml-inputs>`. Must have 'name'
key set
# 'name' is required, so assume that it's a valid key and raise errors
# otherwise = input_dict['name']
# If 'input_locator' is specified, use that as the locator, otherwise
# find using
if 'input_locator' in input_dict:
self.locator = utils.yaml.parse_locator_dict(input_dict['input_locator'])
self.locator = (By.NAME,
# Get input type, default to 'text' if unspecified
# TODO: validate type based on attributes in self.Type
self.type = input_dict.get('type', self.Type.TEXT)
# Assume input is required unless otherwise specified
self.required = input_dict.get('required', True)
# Retrieve list of options (for radios and selects)
if self.type in self.Type.SUPPORTS_OPTIONS:
self.options = input_dict.get('options', None)
# Ensures options attribute is ignored for inputs that don't
# support it
self.options = None
# (For select inputs) Assume only one option can be selected unless
# otherwise specified
if self.type in self.Type.SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE:
self.multiple = input_dict.get('multiple', False)
# Ensure multiple attribute is ignored for inputs that don't
# support it
self.multiple = None
# Determine the getter/setter methods based on type
# Defaults to text input getter/setter methods
# TODO: move getter/setter methods to strategry classes?
if self.type == self.Type.RADIO:
self._set_value = self._set_radio_value
self._get_value = self._get_radio_value
elif self.type == self.Type.CHECKBOX:
if self.multiple:
self._set_value = self._set_multiple_checkbox_values
self._get_value = self._get_multiple_checkbox_values
self._set_value = self._set_checkbox_value
self._get_value = self._get_checkbox_value
elif self.type == self.Type.SELECT:
if self.multiple:
self._set_value = self._set_multiple_select_values
self._get_value = self._get_multiple_select_values
self._set_value = self._set_select_value
self._get_value = self._get_select_value
# WebElement Retrieval methods
[docs] def find_input_element(self):
"""Returns the ``WebElement`` object located by ``self.locator``
Shorthand for ``self.find_element(self.locator)``
:return: ``WebElement`` object for the input
return self.find_element(self.locator)
[docs] def find_input_elements(self):
"""Returns the list of ``WebElement`` objects located by
``self.locator``. Used for input types that can have multiple elements
corresponding to it (e.g. radios)
Shorthand for ``self.find_elements(self.locator)``
:return: List of ``WebElement`` objects for the inputs
return self.find_elements(self.locator)
# Input Setter Methods
def _set_radio_value(self, value):
"""Select the radio input located by ``self.locator`` with the
specified ``value`` attribute
:param value: The ``value`` attribute of the radio element to select
# Filter radio elements to the one that matches value
radio_element = [
element for element in self.find_input_elements()
if element.get_attribute('value') == value
actions.scroll.to_and_click(self.driver, radio_element, False)
def _set_checkbox_value(self, value):
"""Set the checked state of the checkbox input
:param value: True to check the box, False to uncheck it. This function
will do nothing if the checkbox already matches the desired value
checkbox_element = self.find_input_element()
# Return if value is already set correctly
if checkbox_element.is_selected() == value:
actions.form.toggle_checkbox(self.driver, checkbox_element)
def _set_multiple_checkbox_values(self, values):
"""Check/uncheck one or more checkboxes in a checkbox group
:param values: Dictionary mapping checkbox input's ``value`` attribute
to the desired checked state (True = check, False = uncheck).
Checkboxes already in the desired state won't be modified
checkbox_elements = [
element for element in self.find_input_elements()
if element.get_attribute('value') in values
and element.is_selected != values[element.get_attribute('value')]
for checkbox_element in checkbox_elements:
actions.form.toggle_checkbox(self.driver, checkbox_element)
def _set_text_value(self, value, clear_current_value=False):
"""Set the value of the text input
Used for text inputs and other input types that are functionally
similar (e.g. textarea, email, etc)
:param value: The string to set the input value to. Uses
``WebElement.send_keys()`` method to set
:param clear_current_value: (Default = False) If True, clear any
existing value in the input before entering the new one
input_element = self.find_input_element()
if clear_current_value:
def _set_select_value(self, value):
"""Select an option in the select element
:param value: The ``value`` attribute of the option to select
# TODO: validate value using self.options
select = Select(self.find_input_element())
def _set_multiple_select_values(self, values, clear_current_value=False):
"""Select one or more options in a multiple select element
:param values: List of ``value`` attributes for the options to select
(or a single ``value`` attribute if only one needs to be selected)
:param clear_current_value: (Default = False) if True, deselect any
currently selected options before selecting the new ones
select = Select(self.find_input_element())
if clear_current_value:
# If values is just a single item, make it a list with just itself to
# avoid any iteration issues (e.g. if it's a string)
if not isinstance(values, (list, dict)):
values = [values]
# TODO: validate value using self.options
for value in values:
# Internal attribute for setter method. Gets set after determining input
# type in __init__() (defaults to text)
_set_value = _set_text_value
[docs] def set_value(self, value, **kwargs):
"""Set the value of the input
:param value: The value to set it to
* For radio elements, this should be the value attribute of the
radio to select.
* For checkbox elements, this value should be a boolean
(True=checked, False=unchecked).
* For checkbox groups, this value should be a dictionary mapping
checkbox input's ``value`` attribute to the desired checked state
(True = check, False = uncheck).
* For single select elements, this value should be the value of the
option to select.
* For multiple select elements, this value should be a list of
values of the options to select.
* For file inputs, this value should be a filepath to the desired
* For other input types (text, number, etc) this should be a string
representation of the values to enter into it.
Additionally accepts keyword arguments based on the type of input this
``InputObject`` represents. See the above ``_set`` methods for
type-specific optional arguments
self._set_value(value, **kwargs)
# Input Getter Methods
def _get_radio_value(self):
"""Returns the ``value`` attribute of the selected radio input
:return: The ``value`` attribute of the selected radio input or
``None`` if all radios located with ``self.locator`` are deselected
selected_radio_list = [
element for element in self.find_input_elements()
if element.is_selected()
# If none of the radios are selected, return None
return selected_radio_list[0].get_attribute('value') if selected_radio_list else None
def _get_checkbox_value(self):
"""Returns the checked state of the checkbox input
:return: True if the checkbox is checked, False if it's unchecked
return self.find_input_element().is_selected()
def _get_multiple_checkbox_values(self):
"""Returns a dictionary mapping ``value`` attributes of each checkbox
to True if checked, False if unchecked
:return: Dictionary mapping ``value`` attributes of each checkbox to
True if checked, False if unchecked
return {
checkbox_element.get_attribute('value'): checkbox_element.is_selected()
for checkbox_element in self.find_input_elements()
def _get_text_value(self):
"""Returns the value of the text input
:return: The value of the text input
return self.find_input_element().get_attribute('value')
def _get_select_value(self):
"""Returns the ``value`` attribute of the selected option element
:return: The ``value`` attribute of the selected option element or
``None`` if nothing is selected
select = Select(self.find_input_element())
value = select.first_selected_option.get_attribute('value')
except NoSuchElementException:
value = None
return value
def _get_multiple_select_values(self):
"""Returns a list of ``value`` attributes of the selected option
:return: List of ``value`` attributes of the selected option elements
or an empty list if nothing is selected
select = Select(self.find_input_element())
return [option.get_attribute('value') for option in select.all_selected_options]
# Internal attribute for getter method. Gets set after determining input
# type in __init__() (defaults to text)
_get_value = _get_text_value
# Form Page Objects
[docs]class FormObject(YAMLParsingPageObject):
"""Page object prototype for forms
Subclasses should set the following attributes:
:var FormObject.YAML_FILE: Path to a YAML file representing the form
object. This file is parsed during initialization using
:meth:`parse_yaml` and is used to determine :attr:`FORM_LOCATOR` and
:attr:`SUBMIT_LOCATOR` and create :class:`InputObject` instances for
each input, which are stored in :attr:`inputs`
:var FormObject.SUBMIT_SUCCESS_CLASS: (Optional) Page object of
modal/webpage/etc that should appear on successful form submission. If
subclass set to a subclass of :class:`BasePage
:meth:`click_submit()` will return an instance of this object.
The following attributes are determined based on the contents of
:attr:`YAML_FILE` (or should be set in subclasses if :attr:`YAML_FILE` is
:var FormObject.FORM_LOCATOR: Locator for the form element
:var FormObject.SUBMIT_LOCATOR: Locator for the submit button
The following attribute is set based on the 'inputs' key parsed from
:attr:`YAML_FILE` (or parsed from :attr:`INPUT_DICTS`, which should be set
in subclasses if :attr:`YAML_FILE` is ``None``):
:var FormObject.inputs: A dictionary mapping input names to the
corresponding :class:`InputObject` instances. The keys correspond with
the ``name`` keys in the YAML representation of the form (or the 'name'
keys in :attr:`INPUT_DICTS` if :attr:`YAML_FILE` is ``None``)
If :attr:`YAML_FILE` is ``None``, subclasses must set the following
:var FormObject.INPUT_DICTS: List of input dictionaries. These are used to
initialize the :class:`InputObject` instances in :attr:`inputs` at
runtime. These dictionaries use the same syntax as :ref:`YAML inputs
_YAML_ROOT_KEY = 'form'
# Optional page object to return on click_submit()
# Locators
# Input objects
inputs = {}
[docs] def parse_yaml(self, file_path):
"""Parse a YAML representation of the form object and set attributes
See :ref:`YAML FormObjects doc <yaml-form-objects>` for details on
:param file_path: Full path to the YAML file
parsed_yaml = super().parse_yaml(file_path)
# Initialize locators
self.FORM_LOCATOR = utils.yaml.parse_locator_dict(parsed_yaml['form_locator'])
self.SUBMIT_LOCATOR = utils.yaml.parse_locator_dict(parsed_yaml['submit_locator'])
except KeyError as e:
raise utils.yaml.YAMLKeyError(
'Missing required {} key in form YAML'.format(e)
# Initialize inputs
[docs] def no_yaml_init(self):
"""Initialize ``self.inputs`` using values in :attr:`INPUT_DICTS`"""
self._initialize_inputs(self.INPUT_DICTS, from_yaml=False)
def _initialize_inputs(self, input_dicts, from_yaml=True):
"""Initialize :class:`InputObject` instances in ``self.inputs``
:param input_dicts: List of input dictionaries
:param from_yaml: (Default: True) Whether or not this was parsed from
YAML. Exceptions raised will be different based on this
self.inputs = {}
for input_dict in input_dicts:
# TODO: Use different attribute as key so name can change without affecting code?
input_name = input_dict['name']
# Input names must be unique
if input_name in self.inputs:
error_msg = "Multiple inputs with the same 'name' value (name: {}). ".format(input_name)
error_msg += 'Input names must be unique'
raise utils.yaml.YAMLValueError(error_msg) if from_yaml else ValueError(error_msg)
# Initialize InputObject
self.inputs[input_name] = InputObject(self.driver, input_dict)
except KeyError as e:
if from_yaml:
error_msg = "Missing required 'name' key in input YAML (input: {})".format(str(input_dict))
raise utils.yaml.YAMLKeyError(error_msg)
# Preserve stack trace for key error if not parsing YAML
[docs] def fill_inputs(self, input_map, strict=False):
"""Fill form inputs
:param input_map: Dictionary mapping input `name` key to the values to
set them to. See :meth:`InputObject.set_value` for value formats
for different input types
:param strict: (Default = False) If True, throw an exception if a key
in ``input_map`` is not a valid key in ``self.inputs``. Otherwise
throw a warning and continue
for name, value in input_map.items():
# TODO: verify
except KeyError as e:
if strict:
raise e
warnings.warn('Invalid input name {}, skipping'.format(e))
[docs] def get_input_values(self, name_list=None):
"""Get the current values of form inputs
:param name_list: (Optional) List of input names to get values for. If
unspecified, will get values for all inputs
:return: Dictionary mapping names to the value of each input
if not name_list:
# Get all inputs if name_list isn't provided
name_list = [k for k in self.inputs.keys()]
# Filter out invalid keys if name_list is provided
name_list = [name for name in name_list if name in self.inputs.keys()]
return {
name: self.inputs[name].get_value() for name in name_list
[docs] def submit_is_enabled(self):
"""Short hand function for checking if the submit button is enabled.
Useful for forms with JavaScript input validation
:return: True if submit is enabled, False if it's disabled
return self.find_element(self.SUBMIT_LOCATOR).is_enabled()
[docs] def click_submit(self):
"""Shorthand function for scrolling to the submit button and clicking
subclass of :class:`BasePage
<webdriver_test_tools.pageobject.base.BasePage>`, an instance of that
object will be returned
submit_button = self.find_element(self.SUBMIT_LOCATOR)
actions.scroll.to_and_click(self.driver, submit_button, False)
if inspect.isclass(self.SUBMIT_SUCCESS_CLASS) and issubclass(self.SUBMIT_SUCCESS_CLASS, BasePage):
return self.SUBMIT_SUCCESS_CLASS(self.driver)