Source code for webdriver_test_tools.config.webdriver

import os
from datetime import datetime

from selenium import webdriver

import webdriver_test_tools
from webdriver_test_tools.common.files import create_directory, validate_filename

[docs]class WebDriverConfig: """Configurations for webdriver""" # Root directory of webdriver_test_tools package _PACKAGE_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(webdriver_test_tools.__file__)) #: Path to the log directory. Defaults to the log subdirectory in the #: ``webdriver_test_tools`` package root directory LOG_PATH = os.path.join(_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'log') #: Path to the screenshot directory. Defaults to the screenshot #: subdirectory in the ``webdriver_test_tools`` package root directory SCREENSHOT_PATH = os.path.join(_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'screenshot') SCREENSHOT_FILENAME_FORMAT = '{date}/{time}-{test}-{browser}.png' """Format string used to determine filenames for screenshots (relative to :attr:`WebDriverConfig.SCREENSHOT_PATH`). The format string can include the following parameters: * ``{date}``: Replaced with the date the screenshot was taken (YYYY-MM-DD) * ``{time}``: Replaced with the time the screenshot was taken (HHMMSS) * ``{test}``: Replaced with the test method running when screenshot was taken * ``{browser}``: Replaced with the browser used when screenshot was taken The format string can include '/' directory separators to save screenshots in subdirectories of :attr:`WebDriverConfig.SCREENSHOT_PATH`. """ DEFAULT_ASSERTION_TIMEOUT=10 """Default number of seconds for :ref:`WebDriverTestCase assertion methods <assertion-methods>` to wait for expected conditions to occur before test fails """ # Browser driver initialization arguments #: Keyword args for ``webdriver.Firefox()`` FIREFOX_KWARGS = {} #: Keyword args for ``webdriver.Chrome()`` CHROME_KWARGS = {} #: Keyword args for ``webdriver.Safari()`` SAFARI_KWARGS = {} #: Keyword args for ``webdriver.Ie()`` IE_KWARGS = {} #: Keyword args for ``webdriver.Edge()`` EDGE_KWARGS = {} # Mobile configurations #: Dictionary with 'mobileEmulation' options for Chrome CHROME_MOBILE_EMULATION = {"deviceName": "Pixel 2"} # Headless browser configurations #: Command line arguments to use in addition to the ``--headless`` flag CHROME_HEADLESS_ARGS = ['--window-size=1920x1080'] #: Command line arguments to use in addition to the ``-headless`` flag FIREFOX_HEADLESS_ARGS = [] # Methods
[docs] @classmethod def get_firefox_driver(cls, headless=False): """Returns ``webdriver.Firefox`` object using :attr:`FIREFOX_KWARGS` and :attr:`LOG_PATH` to initialize :param headless: (Default = False) If True, configure driver to run a headless browser """ log_path = os.path.join(cls.LOG_PATH, 'geckodriver.log') options = cls._get_firefox_headless_options() if headless else None return webdriver.Firefox(log_path=log_path, options=options, **cls.FIREFOX_KWARGS)
[docs] @classmethod def get_chrome_driver(cls, headless=False): """Returns ``webdriver.Chrome`` object using :attr:`CHROME_KWARGS` and :attr:`LOG_PATH` to initialize :param headless: (Default = False) If True, configure driver to run a headless browser """ service_log_path = os.path.join(cls.LOG_PATH, 'chromedriver.log') options = cls._get_chrome_headless_options() if headless else None return webdriver.Chrome(service_log_path=service_log_path, options=options, **cls.CHROME_KWARGS)
[docs] @classmethod def get_safari_driver(cls): """Returns ``webdriver.Safari`` object using :attr:`SAFARI_KWARGS` to initialize""" return webdriver.Safari(**cls.SAFARI_KWARGS)
[docs] @classmethod def get_ie_driver(cls): """Returns ``webdriver.Ie`` object using :attr:`IE_KWARGS` and :attr:`LOG_PATH` to initialize""" log_file = os.path.join(cls.LOG_PATH, 'iedriver.log') return webdriver.Ie(log_file=log_file, **cls.IE_KWARGS)
[docs] @classmethod def get_edge_driver(cls): """Returns ``webdriver.Edge`` object using :attr:`EDGE_KWARGS` and :attr:`LOG_PATH` to initialize""" log_path = os.path.join(cls.LOG_PATH, 'edgedriver.log') return webdriver.Edge(log_path=log_path, **cls.EDGE_KWARGS)
[docs] @classmethod def get_chrome_mobile_driver(cls, headless=False): """Returns ``webdriver.Chrome`` object using :attr:`CHROME_KWARGS`, :attr:`LOG_PATH`, and :attr:`CHROME_MOBILE_EMULATION` to initialize :param headless: (Default = False) If True, configure driver to run a headless browser """ service_log_path = os.path.join(cls.LOG_PATH, 'mobile_chromedriver.log') options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_experimental_option("mobileEmulation", cls.CHROME_MOBILE_EMULATION) if headless: options.add_argument('--headless') return webdriver.Chrome(service_log_path=service_log_path, options=options, **cls.CHROME_KWARGS)
# Driver Options @classmethod def _get_firefox_headless_options(cls): """Returns FirefoxOptions with -headless argument and arguments from FIREFOX_HEADLESS_ARGS set """ options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() for arg in cls.FIREFOX_HEADLESS_ARGS: options.add_argument(arg) options.add_argument('-headless') return options @classmethod def _get_chrome_headless_options(cls): """Returns ChromeOptions with --headless argument and arguments from CHROME_HEADLESS_ARGS set """ options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() for arg in cls.CHROME_HEADLESS_ARGS: options.add_argument(arg) options.add_argument('--headless') return options # Misc
[docs] @classmethod def new_screenshot_file(cls, browser_name, test_name, makedirs=True): """Return the full path and filename for the screenshot The filename is determined by the format set in :attr:`WebDriverConfig.SCREENSHOT_FILENAME_FORMAT`. If the format doesn't end with '.png', the extension will be appended to the resulting filename :param browser_name: Name of the browser (for screenshot filename) :param test_name: Name of the current test (for screenshot filename) :param makedirs: (Default = True) If True, create any subdirectories of screenshot/ if they don't already exist :return: Filename for the screenshot """ now = path = cls.SCREENSHOT_FILENAME_FORMAT.format( date=now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), time=now.strftime('%H%M%S'), test=test_name, browser=browser_name ) # Ensure .png extension is present if not path.lower().endswith('.png'): path += '.png' # Validate string characters for file name filename = validate_filename(os.path.basename(path)) # Get any subdirectory names dirname = os.path.dirname(path) # Create subdirectories if they don't already exist if makedirs: create_directory(cls.SCREENSHOT_PATH, dirname) return os.path.join(cls.SCREENSHOT_PATH, dirname, filename)