Source code for webdriver_test_tools.common.cmd.cmd

"""Functions for common command line formatting and procedures."""

import os
import re
import textwrap
from blessings import Terminal

# Formatting

_term = Terminal()
#: Constant for string prepended to input prompts
#: Constant for string used for terminal indentation
INDENT = ' ' * 3
#: Color/formatting functions for different types of output
    None: str,
    'error': _term.bold_red,
    'warning': _term.yellow,
    'info': _term.cyan,
    'prompt': _term.magenta,
    'emphasize': _term.bold,

# Printing

# User Input

[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): """Exception raised if input validation fails""" pass
[docs]def validate_nonempty(text): """Input validation function. Raises ValidationError if text is empty :param text: Text to validate :return: Validated text """ if not text: raise ValidationError('Please enter some text.') return text
[docs]def validate_choice(choices, shorthand_choices={}, error_msg=None): """Returns a validation function for input with specific choice options :param choices: A list of **lowercase** strings the user can choose from :param shorthand_choices: (Optional) A dictionary mapping short hand answers to options in ``choices``. If user answers prompt with one of the keys in ``shorthand_choices``, the validation function will treat their answer as ``shorthand_choices[answer]``. The following example values would allow 'y' and 'n' to be accepted as 'yes' and 'no', respectively: .. code-block:: python choices = ['yes', 'no'] shorthand_choices = { 'y': 'yes', 'n': 'no', } validate_yes_no = validate_choice(choices, shorthand_choices) # Both of the following return 'yes' result0 = validate_yes_no('yes') result1 = validate_yes_no('y') :param error_msg: (Optional) Custom validation error message. By default, validation errors will have the message: ``'Please select a valid choice: [<choices>]'`` where ``<choices>`` is a comma separated representation of the values in ``choices``. :return: A validation function that accepts a string and returns the corresponding item from ``choices`` if the string is valid """ if error_msg is None: error_msg = 'Please select a valid choice: [{}]'.format(', '.join(choices)) def val(answer): answer = answer.lower().strip() if answer in shorthand_choices: answer = shorthand_choices[answer] if answer not in choices: raise ValidationError(error_msg) return answer return val
[docs]def validate_yn(answer): """Validate y/n prompts :param answer: User response to y/n prompt. If a boolean value is passed (e.g. if a prompt received parsed_input=True), it is treated as a y/n answer and considered valid input :return: True if user answered yes, False if user answered no """ # If a boolean value was passed, return it if isinstance(answer, bool): return answer answer = answer.lower().strip() if answer not in ['y', 'yes', 'n', 'no']: raise ValidationError('Please enter "y" or "n".') return answer in ['y', 'yes']
def _validate_python_identifier(identifier): """Removes and replaces characters and returns a valid python identifier Python identifiers include letters, numbers, and underscores and cannot begin with a number :param identifier: The desired identifier string :return: Modified identifier with invalid characters removed or replaced """ # Trim outer whitespace and replace inner whitespace and hyphens with underscore validated_identifier = re.sub(r'\s+|-+', '_', identifier.strip()) # Remove non-alphanumeric or _ characters validated_identifier = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', validated_identifier) # Remove leading characters until we hit a letter or underscore validated_identifier = re.sub(r'^[^a-zA-Z_]+', '', validated_identifier) if not validated_identifier: raise ValidationError('Please enter a valid python identifier.') return validated_identifier
[docs]def validate_package_name(package_name): """Removes and replaces characters to ensure a string is a valid python package name :param package_name: The desired package name :return: Modified package_name with whitespaces and hyphens replaced with underscores and all invalid characters removed """ try: validated_package_name = _validate_python_identifier(package_name) except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError('Please enter a valid package name.') # Alert user of any changes made in validation if package_name != validated_package_name: print_validation_change( '"{0}" was changed to "{1}" in order to be a valid python package', package_name, validated_package_name ) return validated_package_name
[docs]def validate_module_name(module_name): """Removes and replaces characters to ensure a string is a valid python module file name :param module_name: The desired module name. If the name ends in .py, the extension will be removed :return: Modified module_name with whitespaces and hyphens replaced with underscores and all invalid characters removed """ # Strip .py extension if present module_name, ext = os.path.splitext(module_name.strip()) try: validated_module_name = _validate_python_identifier(module_name) except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError('Please enter a valid module name.') # Alert the user of any changes made in validation if module_name != validated_module_name: print_validation_change( '"{0}" was changed to "{1}" in order to be a valid python module file', module_name, validated_module_name ) return validated_module_name
[docs]def validate_module_filename(module_filename, suppress_ext_change=True): """Removes and replaces characters to ensure a string is a valid python module file name Essentially a wrapper around :func:`validate_module_name` that makes sure a .py extension is added to the end if needed :param module_filename: The desired module file name. If the .py extension is excluded, it will be appended after validation :param suppress_ext_change: (Default: True) If False, print message when appending .py extension to file name. Suppressed by default, as the user shouldn't typically be required to append .py themselves :return: Modified module_filename with whitespaces and hyphens replaced with underscores, all invalid characters removed, and a '.py' extension appended (if necessary) """ # Strip .py extension if present module_name, ext = os.path.splitext(module_filename.strip()) validated_module_name = validate_module_name(module_name) # Append .py extension validated_module_filename = validated_module_name + '.py' if ext != '.py' and not suppress_ext_change: print_info('Added .py extension for filename') return validated_module_filename
[docs]def validate_class_name(class_name): """Removes and replaces characters to ensure a string is a valid python class name :param class_name: The desired class name :return: Modified class_name with invalid characters removed/replaced """ # TODO: Validate differently than packages? (e.g. 'class name' -> 'ClassName'?) try: validated_class_name = _validate_python_identifier(class_name) except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError('Please enter a valid class name.') # Alert the user of any changes made in validation if class_name != validated_class_name: print_validation_change( '"{0}" was changed to "{1}" in order to be a valid python class name', class_name, validated_class_name ) # Print warning if first letter isn't capital # (python is forgiving about class names but convention says it should be camel case) if validated_class_name[0] != validated_class_name[0].upper(): print_warning('Warning: Class name should start with a capital letter') return validated_class_name
[docs]def prompt(text, *description, default=None, validate=validate_nonempty, parsed_input=None, trailing_newline=True): """Prompt the user for input and validate it :param text: Text to display in prompt :param description: (Optional) Positional arguments after text will be printed once before user is prompted for input. Each argument will be printed on a new line :param default: (Optional) default value :param validate: (Default = validate_nonempty) Validation function for input :param parsed_input: (Default = None) If ``parsed_input`` is set to something other than ``None``, parser will attempt to validate it. If validation is successful, the input prompt will be skipped and the validated value of ``parsed_input`` will be returned. This allows for input to be passed through command line arguments, but still prompt the user in the event that it can't be validated :param trailing_newline: (Default = True) Print a blank line after receiving user input and successfully validating :return: Validated input """ # Attempt to bypass prompt if parsed_input is not None if parsed_input is not None: try: val = validate(parsed_input) except ValidationError as e: print_exception(e) else: # If no errors were raised, return validated input return val # Input prompt if description: print(*description, sep='\n') prompt_text = '{} [{}]: '.format(text, default) if default is not None else text + ': ' prompt_text = COLORS['prompt'](PROMPT_PREFIX + prompt_text) while True: val = input(prompt_text).strip() if default is not None and not val: val = default try: val = validate(val) except ValidationError as e: print_exception(e) continue break if trailing_newline: print('') return val