Source code for randomuser

# Class for generating random user information

# Imports
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
from urllib import request, error
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import json
import time
import re

# Global Variables
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Python module version
__version__ = '1.5.1'

# Version of the random user API

URL = '{}/'.format(API_VERSION)

# Classes
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[docs]class RandomUser: #: Dictionary where the random user data will be stored _data = {} #: Dictionary where info section of results will be stored _info = {} # Constants
[docs] class PictureSize: """Constants for size parameter in :meth:`RandomUser.get_picture()`""" LARGE = 'large' MEDIUM = 'medium' THUMBNAIL = 'thumbnail'
[docs] class Info: """Constants for :attr:`RandomUser._info` dictionary keys""" SEED = 'seed' RESULTS = 'results' PAGE = 'page' VERSION = 'version'
# Exceptions
[docs] class APIError(Exception): """Exception to raise when the API query returns an error Documentation on API errors: """ def __init__(self, message): super().__init__( ' API returned an error: {}'.format(message) )
# Functions
[docs] def __init__(self, get_params=None, user_data=None, api_info=None): """Initialize RandomUser object :param get_params: (Optional) Dictionary mapping query parameter names to their values. See for details on parameters. :param user_data: (Optional) If specified, this _data will be used instead of querying the API for user _data. Use in instances where the user _data has already been generated (e.g. restoring user _data, creating multiple users with single call to API using the 'results' parameter) :param api_info: (Optional) If the user is being generated with the user_data parameter, the _info variable will be set to this. Otherwise, it will be ignored when generating a random user. """ global URL if user_data is not None: self._data = user_data self._info = api_info else: self.request_url = URL if get_params: self.request_url += '?' + urlencode(get_params) self._generate_user()
def _generate_user(self): """Query the API and store results in _data and _info""" results = json.loads(request.urlopen(self.request_url).read()) if 'error' in results: raise RandomUser.APIError(results['error']) self._data = results['results'][0] self._info = results['info'] # Personal Info # --------------------------------
[docs] def get_first_name(self, capitalize=True): """Returns first name :param capitalize: (Default = True) Capitalize first letter if True """ first_name = self._data['name']['first'] return first_name.title() if capitalize else first_name
[docs] def get_last_name(self, capitalize=True): """Returns last name :param capitalize: (Default = True) Capitalize first letter if True """ last_name = self._data['name']['last'] return last_name.title() if capitalize else last_name
[docs] def get_full_name(self, capitalize=True): """Returns first and last name separated by a space :param capitalize: (Default = True) Capitalize first letter of each name if True """ first_name = self.get_first_name(capitalize) last_name = self.get_last_name(capitalize) full_name = '{} {}'.format(first_name, last_name) return full_name
[docs] def get_gender(self): """Returns gender""" return self._data['gender']
[docs] def get_dob(self, parse_time=False): """Returns date of birth as a string in the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' (ISO 8601 standard) :param parse_time: (Default = False) If True, parse date of birth string using time.strptime() and return the results instead of a string """ dob = self._data['dob']['date'] if parse_time: dob = self._parse_time(dob) return dob
[docs] def get_age(self): """Returns the age of the user""" return self._data['dob']['age']
[docs] def get_nat(self): """Returns nationality""" return self._data['nat']
# Location # --------------------------------
[docs] def get_street(self, capitalize=True): """Returns street address :param capitalize: (Default = True) Capitalize first letter of words if True """ street = self._data['location']['street'] return street.title() if capitalize else street
[docs] def get_city(self, capitalize=True): """Returns city :param capitalize: (Default = True) Capitalize first letter of words if True """ city = self._data['location']['city'] return city.title() if capitalize else city
[docs] def get_state(self, capitalize=True): """Returns state :param capitalize: (Default = True) Capitalize first letter of words if True """ state = self._data['location']['state'] return state.title() if capitalize else state
[docs] def get_postcode(self): """Returns post code""" return self._data['location']['postcode']
[docs] def get_zipcode(self): """ Returns zip code (wrapper for get_postcode())""" return self.get_postcode()
[docs] def get_coordinates(self): """Returns a dictionary with keys 'longitude' and 'latitude' mapped to their respective values """ return self._data['location']['coordinates']
# TODO: def get_timezone(self) # # Contact # -------------------------------- def _format_phone_number(self, phone_string, strip_parentheses=True, strip_hyphens=True): """Takes a string representation of a phone number and strips characters based on parameter values :param phone_string: The phone number as a string :param strip_parentheses: (Default = True) Remove '(' and ')' characters if True :param strip_hyphens: (Default = True) Remove '-' characters if True """ if strip_parentheses: phone_string = re.sub('[()]', '', phone_string) if strip_hyphens: phone_string = re.sub('-', '', phone_string) return phone_string
[docs] def get_phone(self, strip_parentheses=False, strip_hyphens=False): """Returns phone number as a string in the format '(###)-###-####' :param strip_parentheses: (Default = False) Omit parentheses if True :param strip_hyphens: (Default = False) Omit hyphens if True """ return self._format_phone_number(self._data['phone'], strip_parentheses=strip_parentheses, strip_hyphens=strip_hyphens)
[docs] def get_cell(self, strip_parentheses=False, strip_hyphens=False): """Returns cell phone number as a string in the format '(###)-###-####' :param strip_parentheses: (Default = False) Omit parentheses if True :param strip_hyphens: (Default = False) Omit hyphens if True """ return self._format_phone_number(self._data['cell'], strip_parentheses=strip_parentheses, strip_hyphens=strip_hyphens)
[docs] def get_email(self): """Returns email address""" return self._data['email']
# Login # --------------------------------
[docs] def get_username(self): """Returns username""" return self._data['login']['username']
[docs] def get_password(self): """Returns password""" return self._data['login']['password']
[docs] def get_registered(self, parse_time=False): """Returns registration date as a string in the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' (ISO 8601 standard) :param parse_time: (Default = False) If True, parse date string using time.strptime() and return the results instead of a string """ registered = self._data['registered']['date'] if parse_time: registered = self._parse_time(registered) return registered
[docs] def get_registered_age(self): """Returns the age (in years) since registration date""" return self._data['registered']['age']
[docs] def get_login_salt(self): """Returns user login salt""" return self._data['login']['salt']
[docs] def get_login_md5(self): """Returns user login md5""" return self._data['login']['md5']
[docs] def get_login_sha1(self): """Returns user login sha1""" return self._data['login']['sha1']
[docs] def get_login_sha256(self): """Returns user login sha256""" return self._data['login']['sha256']
[docs] def get_login_uuid(self): """Returns user login uuid""" return self._data['login']['sha256']
# ID # --------------------------------
[docs] def get_id_type(self): """Returns the ID type""" return self._data['id']['name']
[docs] def get_id_number(self): """Returns the ID number""" return self._data['id']['value']
[docs] def get_id(self): """Returns a dictionary mapping 'type' to ID type and 'number' to ID number """ return {'type': self.get_id_type(), 'number': self.get_id_number()}
# Misc # --------------------------------
[docs] def get_picture(self, size=PictureSize.LARGE): """Returns url to a .jpg of the generated user :param size: (Default = :attr:`PictureSize.LARGE`) The size of picture to return the url for. Size values are stored as constants in :class:`PictureSize` nested class. """ return self._data['picture'][size]
[docs] def get_info(self): """Returns a dictionary with information about the API query Keys for the info dictionary are stored as constants in :class:`Info` nested class. """ return self._info
# Helper Functions # -------------------------------- def _parse_time(self, date_string): """Parses the date string format returned by the API and returns the time tuple result of time.strptime() :param date_string: The date string in the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' """ date_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' return time.strptime(date_string, date_format) # Static Methods # --------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_users(amount, get_params=None): """Returns a list containing the specified amount of randomly generated users. The Random User Generator API can generate multiple users in a single query instead of connecting once for each user and increasing load on both ends. :param amount: The number of users to generate. :param get_params: (Optional) Dictionary mapping query parameter names to their values. See for details on parameters. """ global URL if get_params is None: get_params = {} # Max amount allowed is 5,000 # ( get_params['results'] = amount if amount <= 5000 else 5000 request_url = URL + '?' + urlencode(get_params) results = json.loads(request.urlopen(request_url).read()) if 'error' in results: raise RandomUser.APIError(results['error']) info = results['info'] users = [] for user_data in results['results']: user = RandomUser(user_data=user_data, api_info=info) users.append(user) return users